**Johnny Bucket Jr.**

Installs In Minutes
Just Like Any Other Factory Attachment

WHoffRH.JPG (74487 bytes) WHapart.JPG (78494 bytes)
WHropes2.JPG (78951 bytes) wpe40.jpg (32287 bytes)
Will it fit quick check?
WH-quickatach.JPG (69198 bytes)
Must have Quick-a-Tach hitch
WHAttachPivot.JPG (49491 bytes)
Should measure approx. 13-3/8" from the ground to the center of the hitch pivot pocket
WHqaMeas.JPG (52401 bytes) WHLiftArmPivot1.JPG (66952 bytes)
Should also measure approx. 32" from the center of the hitch pivot pocket to the center of the lift arm pivot.